Celebrating International Women’s Day: Hydration for Women at Work, Rest, and Play
“Women everywhere deserve access to the purest water possible to fuel their ambitions and protect their health,” said Bengt Rittri, founder and CEO of Bluewater.
“Women everywhere deserve access to the purest water possible to fuel their ambitions and protect their health,” said Bengt Rittri, founder and CEO of Bluewater.
“Water is the unsung hero of coffee, and with the Cafe Station, we’ve given baristas the ability to fine-tune their water to maximize flavor and consistency. This award reaffirms our commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation in specialty coffee.”, Bengt Rittri.
Dubai, UAE – February 10, 2025 – As coffee continues to be celebrated in numerous studies for its health and wellness benefits, a revolutionary innovation is set to redefine the coffee experience across the UAE and wider Middle East. The groundbreaking Bluewater Café Station, recognized by The Caterer Magazine as a 2024 ‘Best Buy’ for specialty coffee shops in the UK, will be showcased at the Worl
“From groundbreaking products to strategic partnerships and leadership appointments, we are poised to make an even greater impact in 2025 as we redefine sustainable hydration worldwide," says Bluewater founder Bengt Rittri.
By stripping away all known toxic chemicals and contaminants and infusing the water with liquified minerals harvested from billion-year-old Swedish mountains, the Kitchen Station is setting a new benchmark in water purification and beverage technology,” said Bengt Rittri.
“This partnership is a perfect blend of innovative technology and culinary passion,” says Jules Kane, adding: “Using high-quality purified water that has been remineralized truly makes a difference..."
“We aim to enhance the quality of life for our customers through Bluewater’s innovative products that support a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle," says Kamran Khan, CEO of Nia, Bluewater UAE sales partner.
“The Bluewater Restaurant Station is a game-changer, enabling restaurants to provide high-quality hydration while simultaneously lowering operational costs. We’re excited to demonstrate how our innovative technology can transform how hospitality businesses approach water service," said Blueweater founder and CEO Bengt Rittri, an acclaimed Swedish ecopreneur.
Bluewater products not only address the growing concerns of water sustainability but also enhance the overall guest experience in hotels and restaurants...
“As the discussion around water safety continues to evolve, Bluewater urges governments, municipalities, and health authorities around the world to re-evaluate water treatment practices and prioritize public health alongside compliance”
The decision by French authorities to recall Olympic-branded water bottles for children that contained high levels of endocrine disruptor Bisphenol A (BPA) again underscores the risks associated with water vessels that use plastic, says Bluewater, a world-leading water and beverage company.
In a response to the recall just days ahead of the Olympic Games start in Paris, Bluewater said the deci
With an innovative application of its water purification technology and planet-friendly water bottles, Bluewater is positively contributing to our sustainability commitments by helping the team avoid single-use plastic water bottles.
Den världsledande innovatören inom vattenrening och drycker, Bluewater, kommer att lansera ett banbrytande system för vattenrening och mineralisering exklusivt designat för baristor på World of Coffee-mässan i Köpenhamn den 27-29 juni. Bluewater Café Station™ – designad för att hjälpa kvalitetsmedvetna baristor att förhöja kaffets smaker till nya nivåer – kan provas på monter DE-013 på Europas mes
The Bluewater professional coffee brewing station not only ensures water is purified to perfection but also adds uniquely individualized blends of minerals to bring out the best flavors of each bean.
“The stark reality of 600 billion single-use plastic bottles being produced annually, leading to environmental and health crises, is driving Bluewater to intensify its advocacy efforts,” said Bluewater CEO Bengt Rittri.
Stockholm, June 8, 2024 – Water purification and beverage innovator Bluewater marks this World Oceans Day 2024 with a call for an immediate ban on the ocean dumping of plastic waste which it describes as a ticking time bomb threatening the health of Planet Earth.
The Swedish-based company says the health threats posed by the pollution and contamination caused by the 600 billion bottles manufac
“We want to show that there are viable solutions available today to the overwhelming issue of single-use plastic bottles, most of which end up in landfill or our oceans," says Swedish ecopreneur Bengt Rittri, founder and CEO of Bluewater.
Already a smash hit in the United States with over 14,000 installations, the Bluewater Flow sets a new standard across the UK and Ireland for dispensing on-demand pure, great-tasting water in offices, gyms, hospitals, and schools ...
På dagens pressträff hos Skeppsbro bageri i Stockholm, arrangerad av svenska vattenreningsföretaget Bluewater, kunde journalisterna konstatera att kaffesmaken skiljde sig åt mellan kaffe bryggt på vatten som enbart blivit renat och ett som var anpassat efter kaffebönan. Därmed uppfylldes temat till pressträffen: ”Smakar kaffet som kaffe”.
Bluewater bjuder in till pressträff för att berätta om vatten, PFAS och andra ämnen som finns i det kommunala dricksvattnet samt demonstrera hur renat vattnet kan smak-anpassas efter särskilda behov.