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Topics: Environment, Energy

A recent Bluewater investigation discovered worryingly high levels of PFAS in tap water in London and Stockholm (Photo: Bluewater)

Bluewater Calls for Global Action on PFAS Contamination on World Water Day 2024, says manufacturers should assume full responsibility and halt production

“As we commemorate World Water Day 2024, Bluewater encourages everyone to consider tap water quality and to take action towards better health and a sustainable planet. We also urge the manufacturers of PFAS chemicals to take responsibility for the pollution they are causing and — preferably — stop their production of such chemicals entirely,” said Bengt Rittri.

Bluewaters innovativa vattenstation på plats vid den British Open 2023

Det svenskbaserade företaget, Bluewater har tecknat ett 3-årigt avtal med världens ledande golforganisation R&A i St Andrews i Skottland, golfens hemland, för leverans av vattenlösningar och miljövänliga flaskor till The Open och AIG Women’s Open

Genom att samarbeta med oss på Bluewater, i detta spännande initiativ som kombinerar innovation och miljöansvar fortsätter R&A att föregå med gott exempel när det gäller att främja hållbarhet inom hela sportindustrin, säger Bengt Rittri

Massive Bluewater Water Wall with dispensers and digital content screen at 2023's The Open in Royal Liverpool Village

Bluewater deploys two mega-sized Water Wall hydration stations at The 151st Open to hydrate golf fans at Royal Liverpool

"We gratefully thank the commitment of The R&A to being a sustainability frontrunner and for taking the bold step to demonstrate that innovative and planet-friendly solutions are possible. The example set by The Open is globally significant in showcasing that major events can be successfully delivered without reliance on the single-use plastic water bottles..." says Bengt Rittri.

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