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Racing to save the planet’s oceans: Bluewater Planet Water podcast explores ocean health with America’s 11th Hour Racing, on an ocean health mission
Stockholm, Sweden, April 21, 2021 – Ocean stewardship is the theme of the latest edition of the monthly PlanetWater! podcast from water purification leader Bluewater. The podcast talks to Todd McGuire, managing director of 11th Hour Racing, which works with the sailing community and maritime industries to advance solutions and practices that protect and restore the health of our ocean.
“Newport, Rhode Island-based 11th Hour Racing is an awesome organization that’s racing with purpose, working on collaborative solutions for ocean health, and leaving a positive impact in its wake,” says PlanetWater! host, Dave Noble, communications chief at Bluewater. He describes the interview with Todd McGuire as a real wake up call for anyone who cares about the state of the planet’s oceans.
“ At Bluewater we care about what goes into our oceans because we care about what goes into our bodies when drinking or washing with water,” Dave Noble (photo below) said.

Noble notes that humans are squarely behind vanishing life on Earth, profoundly altering the planet’s lands and seas.
Deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and pollution are today negatively impacting both land and freshwater ecosystems, triggering poor air quality and undrinkable water.
It is estimated that 2.4 billion people do not have access to clean water sources for sanitation and drinking.
Nature is suffering as well. Research quoted by the prestigious National Geographic publication estimates there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean, leaching chemicals into the waters that threaten all living creatures.
The Bluewater podcast notes how scientists also say a quarter of all coral reefs are considered damaged beyond repair, with two-thirds under serious threat, which is deadly serious as coral reefs are home to 25% of the aquatic life responsible for the natural filtration of the ocean and production of necessary nutrients.
“It’s for all the reasons above that Bluewater has put sustainability and ending the need for single use plastic bottles at the heart of our business mission to produce leading edge water purifiers for use in homes, businesses and public distribution as well as planet-friendly refillable water bottles made of stainless steel and glass,” said David Noble.
Broadcast monthly, the Bluewater PlanetWater! Podcast engages with top names from the world of water, sports, business, and the environment.
“The podcast aim is to provide global audiences with an informative platform around critical issues of water, hydration, health, wellness, and the environment,” said Bluewater PR and Communications Director Dave Noble, who also presents the PlanetWater! Series.
You can find the Bluewater podcast on Apple here, on Spotify here and on Google Podcasts here as well as on other platforms such as Acast.
If you’d like to learn more, contact Dave Noble at or call +44 7785 302 694