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There's nothing to beat thirst quenching pure water when celebrating a Swedish Midsummer, where-ever in the world you find yourself.
There's nothing to beat thirst quenching pure water when celebrating a Swedish Midsummer, where-ever in the world you find yourself.

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A Midsummer's Night Dream... in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, June 24 – Sweden's Midsummer celebrations are one of the most important celebrations in the Swedish calendar – and celebrated around the world by Swedes and their friends.

One particularly happy party saw over 8,000 people flock to an event in Hong Kong arranged by the Swedish Consulate in mid-June marking both Sweden's National Day and Midsummer summer solstice celebration. 

Despite very un-Swedish typhoon warnings, guests invited by a number of Swedish companies located in Hong Kong such as Bluewater enjoyed seeing a 3.5 meter high Midsummer Pole erected and then dressed with fresh leaves and flowers. A variety  of food stations served up Swedish delicacies ranging from meatballs (over 2,000 were sold) to strawberry cakes.

A notable visitor was Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, who took time to visit the Bluewater water refill station serving chilled still and sparkling water free of all contamination and get a brief explanation from Bluewater marketing director Magdalena Ranagarden (pictured below left with Ms. Lam on right). 

In her opening speech, Ms. Lam thanked the organisers team for "this fantastic celebration to the people of Hong Kong. It provides an excellent opportunity for our people to appreciate the rich culture of Sweden through the music, dance, food and many other things on offer".

A Bluewater water refill station can generate over 7,000 liters of drinking water per day, removing contaminants like lead, medical residues and micro-plastics as well as slashing the need to use and transport single-use plastic bottles.

For more information, please contact David Noble, Bluewater PR and Communications, at




David Noble

David Noble

Press contact PR & Communications Director Public relations and corporate communications +44 7785 302 694