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This World Ocean day Bluewater calls for a ban on all plastic waste being dampened in ocean (Credit: Stock 96401285)

Bluewater says single-use plastic bottles are ticking time bomb threating planetary and human health, advocates immediate ban

Stockholm, June 8, 2024 – Water purification and beverage innovator Bluewater marks this World Oceans Day 2024 with a call for an immediate ban on the ocean dumping of plastic waste which it describes as a ticking time bomb threatening the health of Planet Earth.
The Swedish-based company says the health threats posed by the pollution and contamination caused by the 600 billion bottles manufac

Håkan Johansson, delägare och bagare på Skeppsbro bageri.


Bluewater bjuder in till pressträff för att berätta om vatten, PFAS och andra ämnen som finns i det kommunala dricksvattnet samt demonstrera hur renat vattnet kan smak-anpassas efter särskilda behov.

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