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Bluewater pure water is proving a hydration 'ace' at the Newport, RI, International Tennis Hall of Fame tennis tournament

Bluewater pure water delights crowds at annual International Tennis Hall of Fame tennis tournament in Newport, RI

Bluewater crystal pure chilled still and sparkling water proves a smash hit at the classic International Tennis Hall of Fame tennis tournament in Newport, Rhode Island, where the focus away from the action on the pristine grass courts is very much on turning the tide on single use plastic bottles. Bluewater’s water station and cool stainless-steel bottles are serving visitors and players alike.

On World Population Day, Bluewater underlines need to fast-track solutions tackling urban drinking water scarcity

On World Population Day, Bluewater underlines need to fast-track solutions tackling urban drinking water scarcity

On World Population Day, water tech leader Bluewater calls for more focus on long-term partnerships between public and private sectors to solve drinking water scarcity in the face of shrinking water availability and growing urban populations. Bluewater says applications for its Imagine H2O Urban Drinking Water Scarcity Challenge 2018 have exceeded all expectations in terms of quantity and quality.

The new Bluewater brand identity includes a stylish stand-out logo, color, and unique handwriting typeface to reimagine the Bluewater character, positioning and tone of voice.

Bluewater Launches Bold New Global Brand Identity

Smart water brand Bluewater has launched a bold new identity to emphasise its vision to provide pure drinking water to everyone, everywhere with product solutions that also help eliminate the need for single-use plastic bottles.

Bluewater har lanserat en banbrytande ny identitet för att betona sin vision att tillhandahålla rent dricksvatten åt alla

Bluewater lanserar banbrytande ny global varumärkesidentitet

Det framstående vattenreningsvarumärket Bluewater har lanserat en banbrytande ny identitet för att betona sin vision att tillhandahålla rent dricksvatten åt alla, överallt, med produktlösningar som också bidrar till att eliminera behovet av engångsplastflaskor.

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