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EU cracks down on single use plastics

The European Commission initiative to reduce marine is applauded by Bluewater. 

We believe the proposals to widen the rules to target single use plastic products like cotton buds and plastic plates as well as lost or abandoned fishing gear are a positive step forward. 

The Commission says the new rules are tailored to get the best results. And where alternatives are readily available and affordable, single-use plastic products will be banned from the market.

Worldwide, plastics make up 85 percent of marine litter – and even reach people's lungs and dinner tables, with micro-plastics in the air, water and food.

Tackling the plastics problem is non-negotiable from a human and planetary health perspective. 

The proposals also intended to reduce single use plastics on supermarket shelves with some items facing a ban to force the use of cleaner alternatives. Bluewater has already demonstrated how its water purifier technologies and solutions can help halt the need to use and transport single-use plastic bottles of water from one side of the world to the other by generating clean drinking water from public dispensers.

What happens next? 

The Commission's proposals will now go to the European Parliament and Council for adoption. The Commission has urged the other institutions to treat this as a priority. Additionally, to mark World Environment Day on 5 June, the Commission will also launch an EU-wide awareness-raising campaign to put the spotlight on consumer choice and highlight individual people's role in combatting plastic pollution and marine litter.

Bravo say we at Bluewater! Let's turn the tide of plastic together. 





David Noble

David Noble

Press contact PR & Communications Director Public relations and corporate communications +44 7785 302 694