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Den elektriska laddningsstationen öppnades av Dundees stadsråd Mark Flynn

Det svenska vattenreningsföretaget Bluewater installerar innovativ regnvatteninsamlings- och reningsteknik på den skotska laddningsstationen för elfordon och ge förarna tillgång till det renaste dricksvattnet.

Den nya laddningsstationen i Dundee med Bluewaters vattenlösningar är en game changer, enligt Bengt Rittri, Bluewater grundare. Den kommer att ge stadens invånare och besökare rent vatten kostnadsfritt, samtidigt som den minskar trycket på kommunens resurser och bidrar till en mer resilient vattenförsörjning

Bluewater, says new evidence of how ‘forever chemicals’ are linked to female infertility as terrifying (Photo credit: iStock 519503694)

Bluewater describes new evidence about how ‘forever chemicals’ threaten female fertility as ‘terrifying’; urges more action from governments and businesses as the planet prepares for Earth Day 2023

“It is simply terrifying to live in a world where nearly everyone has chemicals like PFAS stored in their bodies and learn that women with high levels of the ‘forever chemicals’ in their blood have a 40 percent lower chance of becoming pregnant within 12 months of trying for a baby,” said Bengt Rittri, founder and CEO of Bluewater.

A Bluewater mobile hydration station helped visitors to The Ocean Race stopover village in Cape Town stay healthily refreshed despite hot conditions.

Bluewater helps The Ocean Race in its drive for sustainability by avoiding the need for over 40,000 single use plastic bottles during Cape Town stopover

High profile events draw huge crowds, and not only can we assist in lessening the need for single-use plastic, but the presence of our hydration stations helps to make people think about where their water is coming from and what they, as an individual, can do to contribute positively to our planet, says Bluewater South Africa General Manager Janneke Brasecke.

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