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Marcus Larsson ny CFO på Bluewater

​Bluewater, världsledande inom innovativ vattenreningsteknik, har utsett Marcus Larsson till Chief Financial Officer. Han tillträder omgående.

Bluewater team members share a common dislike for the plastics swamping our oceans and threatening every living thing in them

Time to turn back the tide of plastics

Our oceans are being choked by plastics of every kind, which are slowly poisoning all living things in marine habitats. Bluewater opposes the use of single-use plastic bottles and asks governments and city authorities worldwide to introduce deposit return schemes for plastic bottles and encourage comprehensive plastic waste collection systems.

Bluewater Marks International Women's Day

Bluewater Marks International Women's Day

Bluewater is marking International Women's Day today because we believe that in 2017 it is not just that women and girls spend over 200 million hours (that's 8.3 million days, or over 22,800 years, according to UNICEF), every day collecting water - which is a colossal waste of their valuable time.

Skiiers limbering up for the world's toughest long-distance ski race - Sweden's 90k Vasaloppet

Bluewater Helps Keep Cross Country Skiing Athletes energized during Sweden's 90k Vasaloppet ski marathon

Sweden’s marathon Vasaloppet cross country ski race stretches 90 kilometers, taking the athletes through the hilly terrain between the towns of Sälen and Mora, andviewed as the toughest long distance skiing event in the world. To successfully finish, skiers rely on their physical and mental willpower – and strategic glugging of energy-rich blueberry soup powered by Bluewater's purified water .

Bluewater renar vattnet till Vasaloppets blåbärssoppan

Bluewater renar vattnet till Vasaloppets blåbärssoppan

Nu kan vattnet i Eldris användas som det var tänkt och blåbärssoppan tillredas direkt på plats även på Vasaloppets sista kontroll. Detta tack vare ett nytt samarbete mellan Vasaloppet och den svenska tillverkaren av vattenrenare, Bluewater.

The unhealthy image relecting the reality of how plastic is polluting and disrupting life in our oceans around the planet.

World Ocean Summit

Over 360 global leaders from government, industry, multilateral organisations, the scientific community and civil society are gathered on Bali, Indonesia, for the Economist's World Ocean Conference, a constructive and solution-focused approach to find how to finance a sustainable ocean economy.

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